Recap #2
Project- Vader
Quick Class- 🥈
The first ever @sxs.shootout didn’t disappoint in the Quick Class it was absolutely one of the hardest most demanding drag races we’ve ever been too and took the whole teams effort to get to where we placed. From staying up to 3 am the night before the race to all the problems we fought we all gave it everything we had. It truly was a tuners game between weight transfer on the car, engine tuneup, tire, clutching etc. We knew instantly we messed up when our car hit the scales at tech weighing 250lbs heavier then the entire field but that’s what we had to work with and made it work. The car ran a 3.94 right off the trailer in our safest tuneup and we where all quite happy with that 3 passes later we ran a 3.79 on still a conservative tuneup (Friday night) the next day was qualifying which didn’t go as well as we fought the car the entire day. Sunday morning first thing we seen a big issue in the clutch department we got that fixed and first pass ran a 3.80 which was a huge relief on the team based on the previous day’s performance we slowly started to lean on the engine tuneup as we went through rounds based on how tough we predicted the race to be which then we ran a 3.75 at 89mph and a 3.77 at 88mph (16.50s tire) (looking back wish we would have got to use the 20.00s with the clutching fixed) we ended up winning our first two races in quick class and then went into the looser bracket from a red light then fought our way out of the losers bracket to race.
Now we are in the finals the first race the other car red lit giving us the win. We got the car re situated and went back out to race for the win and we just barely red light! That’s racing! All the drivers knew they had to cut a good light to get the win because the field was so extremely close most these races are within .05 of a second! So the difference between a .100 light and a .01 light is a big deal! Win or loose we are proud to say we gave it our all and left it all on the track! We have many improvements to make on the car and can’t wait for the next race! See you guys soon!
-The D&M Team